Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

Offering guidance, support and learning around End of Life care​

Soul Midwifery

A Soul Midwife is a holistic, non-medical companion who supports the dying, accompanying them on their unique and individual End of Life journey.

TLC Training

TLC (Tender Loving Care) Training is designed to make some of the basic skills of Soul Midwifery available to anyone caring for those at End of Life.

Care After Death

You have options for how you care for someone after they have taken their last breath…

Events & Courses

Visit me here to see what additional events and courses I’m involved in.


Additional Resources for guidance, support and learning around End of Life care.

About Me

I came to Soul Midwifery in 2013, after working in education and an educational retail business for most of my life. This was followed by a period of End of Life caring for my parents. After doing an Introductory Day and my Level One training in that year, I went on to do the Level Two course in 2014 and the TLC (Tender Loving Care) Trainers’ course in 2015.
Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

Since then my love for and involvement in the wonderful Soul Midwives movement has continued to grow.

As well as being a Soul Midwife in Scotland I am also the Soul Midwives Mentor for Scotland. This role is an immense privilege, as I get chance to meet and work with so many warm and wonderful Soul Midwives.

Having done the TLC (Tender Loving Care) Trainers’ Course, to become a TLC Trainer, and having been a carer for many years, I am passionate about sharing this aspect of our Soul Midwifery work with other carers and care givers.

I am equally passionate about raising awareness, whenever possible, about the hugely positive contribution Soul Midwives can make to End of Life care.

Thank you so much for visiting my website. I look forward very much to meeting you – as a Soul Midwife, Mentor, TLC Course Trainer, or friend.