Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

A Soul Midwife is a holistic, non-medical companion who supports the dying, accompanying them on their unique and individual End of Life journey.

In my work as a Soul Midwife, I can offer guidance and support from point of first diagnosis through to vigiling in the last hours of life, and the days immediately after death.

I can work on a 1:1 basis, either locally in person, or remotely via phone or Zoom, and I can support you, and your family and friends.

I am here to accompany you on your End of Life journey, in any way that I can – with advanced care planning, with memory work, with information about the dying process, with deep listening, with an optional choice of gentle therapies…

I am here to respect, and care for, your concerns and wishes around and for your unique and individual End of Life journey.

Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

Please be in touch if you would like to talk with me about the work we might do together. I do make a charge for the work I do, based on individual circumstances, but an initial conversation is always free of charge while we get to know one another and explore your options. My contact form is below.

The Twelve Principles of Soul Midwifery

As well as being a Soul Midwife, I am a Soul Midwives Mentor for the Soul Midwives School, founded by Felicity Warner, and a Mentor for Soul Midwives Scotland.

Soul Midwives Mentors support, advise and liaise with newly trained Soul Midwives, until they have completed their placements and presented their Case Studies to the Soul Midwives School.

In addition, Mentors act as a central point of contact for Soul Midwives in their geographical areas, supporting local Meet Ups and Soul Midwives’ involvement in local End of Life events.

Many Mentors are also involved in running Workshops for those Soul Midwives who are doing the Soul Midwives School Distance Learning course, and for practising Soul Midwives who wish to refresh their skills.

If you would like any further information about Mentoring in Scotland, please do contact me.

Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife